
As a nonprofit organization, WORCA relies on a lot of help from dedicated volunteers.

Some of the opportunities and resources about volunteering are shown below. If you have other skills or ideas that you would like to contribute (e.g. photography, graphic design, etc.) we would love to hear from you via email at info@worca.com.

Click on the links below to our Volunteer Forms if you are interested in helping with The Back Forty or The Witsend.

This group has been set up to reach out to volunteers whenever we need extra help with events and projects.

We run volunteer trail nights on Tuesdays from May to October to work on constructing new trails as well as maintaining existing ones.

Our board of directors consists of volunteer directors as well as a paid executive director. Volunteer directors are elected at the WORCA AGM which takes place in September each year.

We also have volunteer committees such as our Trails Committee, that advise the board of directors about specific topics and issues.