Trails Update: April 12, 2024 - Welcome Back!!!

Spring is in the air! 

Well, it’s pretty much been in the air since December… after just a few bursts of “regular” Whistler winter, the April showers made quick work of discarding any valley snow. I full heartedly made lemonade with these El Niño lemons by indulging in Whistler bike rides after snowboarding throughout the season. I rode the full Farout-Flashback loop on February 10! Memorable.

Now, birds chirping and buds budding can only mean that the seasonal switch is upon us: Josh, Reilly and I have started digging! Although we’ve indulged in the odd snow day, trail crew operations are ON! So far, the diminutive crew has mostly been clearing drains and removing winter debris. We also fixed-up some brake ruts and emphasized some berms… We’ll continue the spring clean-up on the Farout-Flashback loop before it gets too busy there. 

Speaking of busy: the first Tuesday Dig Night of the season will take place on April 16! We’ll be working on Flashback 4 (from the bottom). Like last season, membership and signing up are mandatory to insure the event and ensure we have enough tools/food/first aid attendants. Peak Vending is sponsoring the event! Thanks Ralph!

I’m excited to see you all back on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder 

Nicole Koshure